How a Salt Rock Lamp Can Help You Sleep Better

April 30, 2018

How a Salt Rock Lamp Can Help You Sleep Better

If you've ever found yourself laying in bed, watching the clock and wondering when you'll fall asleep, you're not alone.

Insomnia is a common problem in today's fast-paced world.

You may have tried meditation or deep breathing exercises, and maybe even considered prescription sleep aids.

But have you ever thought about introducing a new light fixture in your bedroom?

Salt rock lamps are becoming more popular as a soft lighting option that looks natural on a desk. But did you know they can also improve the quality of your sleep?


Understanding the Appeal of Himalayan Rock Salt


Himalayan rock salt is a pinkish variety of salt that is revered for its color as much as its health benefits.

It is a relatively rare mineral, found only in Pakistan and parts of Tibet. This adds to the allure of the product.

Another interesting characteristic is that this particular variety of salt contains 84 minerals and other elements. These minerals are responsible for the salt's unique color and are the same minerals that are found throughout the human body.

Beyond that, Himalayan salt rocks are believed to emit negative ions, which counteract destructive positive ions.

Negative ions are often produced by natural events such as thunder and lightning, ocean waves, and waterfalls. Whereas positive ions are a byproduct electronic devices.

Negative ions attract positive ions, which cancels them out. This creates a more balanced environment.


The Benefits of a Salt Rock Lamp


1. Air Purification

Salt has a natural ability to attract water (which is why you may seem bloated from eating a high-salt diet). There is always a certain level of moisture in the air, whether you feel the humidity or not.

Pollutants and irritants are often carried by these water particles. So when a salt rock lamp attracts water from the air, contaminants will follow.

As the salt lamp heats up the water on it evaporates.  The other particles, however, are stuck behind on the lamp.

For this reason, salt rock lamps are revered for their ability to clean the surrounding air. This is especially beneficial for allergy and asthma sufferers.


2. Mood Boost

For those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), changing seasons can result in depression and other physical effects.

It is thought that negative ions in the air can increase the amount of serotonin in the blood. Serotonin is a known mood booster, so the negative ions released by a salt rock lamp are thought to alleviate the symptoms of SAD.

Negative ions are also thought to reduce stress and increase energy levels. 

So even if you don't suffer from SAD during winter months you can still benefit in other ways.


3. Combat Electromagnetic Fields

All of the common electronic devices in your home emit electromagnetic fields (EMF).

From computer screens to fluorescent lights, to your smartphone, all of these items expose you to EMF daily.

EMF energy can make people feel drained and fatigued. It may even compromise your immune system and add to feelings of depression, among other effects.

Putting a salt rock lamp near your workstation is thought to help combat the EMF energy that's released.


How a Salt Rock Lamp Will Help You Sleep


When you think about it, each of the issues addressed above can hamper sleep if left unresolved.

Breathing problems and allergies can easily keep you up at night, gasping for air.

Mood problems associated with SAD can also prevent you from getting a good night sleep. Anxiety and depression can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

And it's been well documented that electronic devices are negatively impacting our ability to get shut-eye. Between EMF and the blue light emitted from digital screens, our brains are struggling to maintain a normal sleep cycle.

But even beyond all of these attributes, Himalayan salt lamps bring another benefit - their soft glow.


How Lighting Affects Sleep


Throughout time, humans have taken our sleep and wake cues from the sun.

Gradually, thanks to the introduction of electricity and artificial lighting, we were able to stay up later and get more done throughout the day.

Unfortunately, all of this light has confused our brains so that they think the day is longer, making it difficult to determine when sleep should begin.

Add to that the stress of daily living, and it's a wonder we get to sleep at all!

However, a warm lighting tone - like the pinkish glow you'd see at sunset - helps the brain power down and relax.

Because the Himalayan salt lamps are naturally pinkish-orange, they emit the perfect shade of light before bedtime.

In addition to replacing at least some of your bedroom lighting with salt lamps, it's recommended you turn off the TV and put away your smartphone long before heading to bed.

While the salt lamps help counteract the effects of blue light, it's still a good idea to build healthy habits and reduce the need for light recovery.


Maximizing the Salt Lamp's Benefits


A salt rock lamp does have a limited range, so make sure it's placed strategically.

One good location is at your computer workstation, to minimize the effects of EMF.

In your bedroom, you'll want the lamp close by. Consider putting it right on your nightstand for the greatest benefits. You'll be breathing cleaner air and have a reading light that's soft on the eyes before bed.

Depending on the size of the room, you may opt for multiple salt lamps or larger ones. For a living room or kitchen, a 9-11 lbs salt rock lamp should get the job done.

In a larger room, or one that contains many electronics such as an open office space, a larger 12+ lbs salt lamp will probably be needed.

Also, keep in mind that heat is key to releasing the rock salt lamp's benefits. Heat is needed for evaporation, which cleanses the water in the air.

Therefore you should look for light bulbs that have sufficient wattage to produce heat. In this case, lights with tungsten filaments or fluorescent bulbs are preferable to LEDs - which produce less heat.

If the lamp ever appears damp, it's an indication that it's not hot enough to evaporate the water it attracts.

If you have any questions on how to choose the correct salt lamp for your room, feel free to contact us to learn more.

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